Date of birth: | May 29, 1990 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Occupation: | UNEMPLOYED |
Marital status: | Single |
Juvenile: | No |
Jca number: | 78420 |
Hold for: | CCSO |
Education: | College: 2 YRS |
Dl number: | F526-000-90-689-0 |
Date confined: | Sep 3, 2015 |
Citizen: | US |
Birth place: | US |
Zip code: | 33983 |
Apt unit: | 1209-007075 |
Booking number: | 201505770 |
Booking officer: | A. Scott |
Booking location: | Charlotte County, FL |
Booking location: | Charlotte County, FL |
Oca number: | 1209-007075 |
Obts number: | 0803082206 |
Court date: | Sep 11, 2012 |
Charge: | 812.014 3a LARC / PETIT 1ST OFF MIS |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Arresting officer: | C. Wymer |
Arrest location: | 5001 TAYLOR RD. WALMART |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Oca number: | 1509-001417/ 151677F |
Obts number: | 0803107640 |
Charge description: | 812.014 3a - LARC Petit theft 2nd Degree 1st Offence (LEV M DEG S 2798) |
Bond amount: | $3,000 |
Arresting officer: | D. Wharton |
Arrest location: | 375 KINGS HIGHWAY |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Oca number: | 1509-001417/ 151677F |
Obts number: | 0803107640 |
Charge description: | 812.015 6 - Resisting LEO or Merchant During Retail Theft (LEV:M DEG:F 7005) |
Bond amount: | $3,500 |
Arresting officer: | D. Wharton |
Arrest location: | 375 KINGS HIGHWAY |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Oca number: | 1509-001417/ 151677F |
Obts number: | 0803107640 |
Charge description: | 893.13 6a - Posession of Controlled Substance WO Prescription (LEV F DEG T 3695) |
Bond amount: | $3,500 |
Arresting officer: | D. Wharton |
Arrest location: | 375 KINGS HIGHWAY |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Oca number: | 1509-001417/ 151677F |
Obts number: | 0803107640 |
Charge description: | 893.147 1 - Drug Paraphernalia - Possession or Use Of (LEV:M DEG:F 3768) |
Bond amount: | $1,500 |
Arresting officer: | D. Wharton |
Arrest location: | 375 KINGS HIGHWAY |
Agency: | FL0080000 |