Date of birth: | May 25, 1974 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Black |
Odoc: | 378075 |
Booking location: | Oklahoma County, OK |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Obtaining Money By False Pretense |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 2000-866 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 98-5715 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Displaying False Document |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 98-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Possession Of Counterfeit State Drivers License |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 98-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 3Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Possession Unlawfully Unsigned Credit Card |
End: | 12/05/2001 |
Crf: | 98-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | False Impersonation Of Another |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 98-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 1Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Attempting To Obtain Money By False Pretense |
End: | 01/24/2001 |
Crf: | 98-8632 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Presenting Id Card Bearing False Information |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 98-8632 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Presenting Id Card Bearing False Information |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 99-1721 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 5Y |
Start: | Aug 11, 2000 |
Offense: | Obtaining Money By False Pretense |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 99-1721 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | Poss Of Controlled Substance |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-5715 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | False Personation |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | Misuse Of Forged/Counterfeit/Suspended D |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | Make/Sell/Poss/Display False Id |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | Make/Possess False Credit Card |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-8018 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | Make/Sell/Poss/Display False Id |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-8632 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | False Pret Or Bogus Check Under $50/Con |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1998-8632 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | False Pret Or Bogus Check Under $50/Con |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1999-1721 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | Make/Sell/Poss/Display False Id |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 1999-1721 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | Parole |
Term: | 1.47 Y |
Start: | Feb 8, 2002 |
Offense: | False Pret Or Bogus Check Under $50/Con |
End: | 07/30/2003 |
Crf: | 2000-866 |
County: | OKLA |