Date of birth: | May 26, 1985 |
Ethnicity: | Non Hispanic |
Hair: | Blond or strawberry |
Eyes: | Blue |
Presiding judge: | Presiding Judge: Dana Zachary |
Inmate status: | Disposed/Confinement |
Filed on: | 4/28/2009 |
Crime type: | Misdemeanor A |
Crime name: | 10/12/08-DEADLY CONDUCT |
Confinement: | Current Status: Disposed/Confinement |
Attorney: | Siegert, W. Coty (Bar # 24033186) |
SO#: | 210189 |
Days confined: | 1 |
Cell: | 3A Cell 15 Bunk 1 |
Description: | TATTOO ON ARM, LEFT UPPER |
Description: | TATTOO ON BACK |
Arrest date: | Jul 20, 2012 |
Booking location: | Collin County, TX |
Booking location: | Brazos County, TX |
Arresting agency: | Collin County Sheriff's Office |
Booking number: | LEG0000484316 |
Booking date: | Apr 13, 2009 |
Release date: | Apr 13, 2009 |
Jail name: | Collin County Detention Facility |
Location: | 4300 Community Ave, McKinney, TX 75071 |
Arresting agency: | Plano Police Department |
Booking number: | LEG0000421027 |
Booking date: | Jul 3, 2007 |
Release date: | Aug 2, 2007 |
Jail name: | Collin County Detention Facility |
Location: | 4300 Community Ave, McKinney, TX 75071 |
Arresting agency: | Allen Police Department |
Booking number: | 2012-BK-11316 |
Booking date: | Jul 20, 2012 |
Release date: | Jul 22, 2012 |
Jail name: | Collin County Detention Facility |
Location: | 4300 Community Ave, McKinney, TX 75071 |
Warrant id: | On View |
Issuing auth: | SO Collin Co |
Offense date: | Jul 19, 2012 |
Bond type: | $500 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Surety Bond |
Warrant id: | ON VIEW |
Charge: | POSS CS PG 3< 28G |
Offense date: | Jul 1, 2007 |
Bond type: | $1,500 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | ON VIEW |
Charge: | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ |
Offense date: | Jul 1, 2007 |
Bond type: | $500 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Issuing authority: | SO Collin Co |
Hold reason: | On View |
Fineamt: | $0.00 |
Degree: | Class B Misdemeanor |
Costs amount: | $0.00 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Warrant id: | C-01737-M |
Charge: | Deadly Conduct 94 |
Issuing auth: | SO BRAZOS CO |
Bond type: | $5,000 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | 2007045637 |
Charge: | CC5015 - *invalid Failure to Appear/Misdemeanor |
Issuing auth: | PLANO PD |
Bond type: | $307 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | 2007040526 |
Charge: | Public Intoxication |
Issuing auth: | PLANO PD |
Fine or court cost: | $462 |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |