Marlin Merrile Wells

Last Updated: December 12th, 2024
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 2″ (1.57m)
133lbs (60kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1940
Hair: Gray
Registration: 5594
Level: Level III
Comments: Sex offenders have always lived in our communities; but it was not until passage of the community protection act of 1990 (which mandates sex offender registration) that law enforcement even knew where they were living. In many cases, law enforcement is not able to share that information with you. Citizen abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end law enforcement's ability to do community notifications. We believe the only person who wins if community notification ends is the sex offender, since sex offenders drive their power through secrecy. According to official documents, Wells pled guilty to the crimes of Child Molestation 2nd degree, counts 1 and 2 and was given a term of 116 months in prison on 4-11-2000. Between 8-1-1999 and 9-11-1999 Wells sexually assaulted a 13-year-old male on numerous occasions. Wells resides across the street from the victim and the victim saw Wells working on a car and engaged him in conversation. At some point Wells grabbed the victim in the crotch while in the yard. The following week the victim again was working with Wells on the vehicle when Wells placed his hand down the victim's pants. The last time the victim was pulled into a nearby shed, had his pants pulled down by Wells and Wells had oral sexual contact with the victim. At the time Wells was on active supervision for the crimes of Statutory Rape 1st, and Indecent Liberties during the commission of this offense and his parole was suspended due to this new crime. Wells was convicted of Statutory Rape 1st and Indecent liberties for crimes that took place between March of 1981 and July of 1983. The victim in these crimes was a known 6-8 year old female. Wells was given a term of up to 20 years and was paroled in 1986. His parole was suspended in 1999 upon his arrest for the new sex crime. Wells had completed the Sex Offender program in his prior incarceration. Wells had major infractions during this incarceration that included sexual act with another inmate, and Obscene Material in which he was found in possession of a pornographic story that he had written which described a sexual assault and contained nude drawings. Wells released on his maximum release date for his crime and he will not have any supervision on his current conviction. He does have conditions for his prior conviction and will be on active supervision with the Marysville Office of the Department of Corrections. 360-658-2150 " Probation Conditions Obey all Municipal, County, State, Tribal and Federal Laws. Shall not possess or peruse pornographic materials. Shall not enter parks, playgrounds or schools. Shall not purchase, own, have in his possession or under his control any firearm. Shall not use, possess, consume any controlled substances without a lawfully issued prescription. Shall have no direct or indirect contact with any victim. No contact with Minors.

Documented Aliases


Scars marks tattoos

Description: Scar on R_knee (1/2")

Recent Arrests

Booking location: Snohomish County, WA


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.