Date of birth: | Nov 9, 1983 |
Hair: | Blond or strawberry |
Eyes: | Blue |
Supervision: | Discharged |
Name type: | Conviction |
Kdoc: | 6041485 |
Booking location: | Butler County, KS |
Sentencing date: | Mar 8, 2004 |
Offense date: | May 21, 2002 |
Description: | Opiates, Opium or narcotic drugs; Possession; 1st offense |
Crime level: | Drug-grid Severity Level 4 |
County: | Harvey |
Case status II: | Active |
Case number I: | 02CR183 |
Sentencing date: | Feb 23, 2004 |
Offense date: | Apr 14, 2003 |
Description: | Theft; loss of more than 500 but less than 25,000 |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 9 |
County: | Butler |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 03CR168 |
Sentencing date: | Feb 23, 2004 |
Offense date: | Mar 23, 2003 |
Description: | Giving a worthless check; Loss of ge 500, but less than 25,000 |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 9 |
County: | Butler |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 03CR316 |