Date of birth: | Feb 13, 1972 |
Hair: | Gray |
Eyes: | Brown |
State no: | 012110036972 |
Inmate number: | 352975 |
Cell: | B30 |
Agency holds: | YES |
Inmate location: | JAIL-EAST-INTK-INTK-0024 |
Booking number: | 12121003849 |
Booking date: | Apr 17, 2012 |
Release date: | Apr 18, 2012 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 1100105052 |
Booking date: | Jul 14, 2011 |
Release date: | Aug 1, 2011 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 130664660 |
Booking location: | Bernalillo County, NM |
Booking number: | 131220025 |
Booking location: | Pima County, AZ |
Booking number: | 130661080 |
Release date: | Apr 17, 2012 |
Booking location: | Bernalillo County, NM |
Statute description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Statute: | M49MR201001845 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFSO |
Bond type: | APPEARANCE |
Bond amount: | $1,100 #1 |
Statute description: | WARRANT FOR ARREST |
Statute: | M49MR201001845 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFCSO |
Bond type: | SURETY |
Bond amount: | $10,000 #1 |
Statute description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Statute: | M49VR201000477 |
Charge number: | 2 |
Case number: | SFCSO |
Bond type: | CASH |
Bond amount: | $2,100 #2 |
Case number: | TMP0252089 |
Bond description: | CASH/SURETY |
Amount: | $5,000 |