Date of birth: | Oct 14, 1982 |
Permanent location: | QUEHANNA BOOT CAMP |
Inmate number: | KR1705 |
Current location: | QUEHANNA BOOT CAMP |
Complexion: | MEDIUM |
Committing county: | ALLEGHENY |
Citizen: | USA |
Unit: | H |
Mugshots com: | 183833904 |
Ext id key: | 341293667337117494 |
Booking number: | 1264-2020 |
Booking date: | Jun 21, 2020 |
Booking location: | Westmoreland County, PA |
Booking number: | 1335-2016 |
Booking date: | Apr 13, 2016 |
Booking location: | Westmoreland County, PA |
Booking location: | Allegheny County, PA |
State charge code: | 75 3809 A |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Restrictions On Alcoholic Beverages |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0001101-2016 CR-0000339-2015 |
State charge code: | 75 3808 A1 |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Ill Operate Vehicle W/out Ignition Interlock |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0001101-2016 CR-0000339-2015 |
State charge code: | 75 3802 A1*** M2 |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Dui: Gen Imp/inc Of Driving Safely 3rd Off |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0001101-2016 CR-0000339-2015 |
State charge code: | 75 1543 B1 S |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Drg Lic Sus/rev Purs To Sec 3731/1547b1 |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0001101-2016 CR-0000339-2015 |
State charge code: | County Charge |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Hold For Court Here From State Institution |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0001101-2016 CR-0000339-2015 |