Residency: | FALL CITY, WA |
Arrest date: | Aug 8, 2013 |
Booking location: | Kittitas County, WA |
Offense: | POSS / DELIVERY VUCSA, Failure to Appear |
Court: | SUP |
Case number: | 121001757/WRT |
Offense: | Poss Marijuana |
Court: | SUP |
Case number: | 121001757/WRT |
Offense: | DWLS 2ND DEGREE, Failure to Appear |
Court: | OCC |
Case number: | CR0038750OCC/WRT |
Offense: | DWLS IN FIRST DEGREE, Failure to Appear |
Court: | OCC |
Case number: | K00094350OCC/WRT |
Offense: | THEFT 3RD DEG, Failure to Appear |
Court: | OCC |
Case number: | K00097401OCC/WRT |