Date of birth: | Sep 22, 1989 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
SO#: | 139005 |
Supervision: | Discharged |
Name type: | Conviction |
Kdoc: | 93741 |
Arresting agency: | Texas Department of Public Safety |
Booking number: | 369419 |
Booking date: | Jan 29, 2006 |
Release date: | Jan 29, 2006 |
Booking location: | Denton County, TX |
Booking location: | Ford County, KS |
Warrant: | 1W9964A |
Offense date: | Jan 29, 2006 |
Issuing authority: | ARLINGTON PD |
Charge: | FMFR |
Bond type: | $517 Cash Bond |
Sentencing date: | Feb 13, 2009 |
Offense date: | Aug 3, 2008 |
Description: | Aggravated Burglary |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 5 |
County: | Ford |
Counts: | 1 |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 08CR409 |