Alicia Ann Reyes

Last Updated: January 15th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 1″ (1.55m)
120lbs (54kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Dec 9, 1980
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Sbi number: 05219013
Residency: Resident
Releasing officer: BAPTISTE, SONIA M
Marital status: Single
Juvenile: No
Jurisdiction: FL0080000
Jca number: 43198
Employment: SERVER
Employer school: ISLES YACHT CLUB
Education: 10
Dl number: R200001809490
Date confined: May 31, 2001
Citizen: Y
Birth place: WI

Known addresses

Florida 33952
1025 Waterside St, Florida 33952

Recent Arrests

Booking officer: AIELLO, PATRICIA
Release reason: CREDIT TIME SERVED
Release date: Nov 24, 2001
Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Booking officer: OGDEN, JAIME RENAE
Release reason: MADE BOND
Release date: Jan 5, 2001
Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Recent Charges

Statute description: BURGL / WITH ASSAULT OR BATTERY
Statute: 810.02 2a
Offense date: Jun 4, 2008
Oca number: 08010815/08-1060F
Obts number: 0801048153
Level: F
Depositer name: MCGINNIS, PATRICK D
Court date: Jul 28, 2008
Charge: F
Bond amount: $5,000
Arresting officer: STENDER, BRAD
Arrest location: 182 TAMIAMI TRAIL
Agency: FL0080000

Statute description: BATTERY / TOUCH OR STRIKE
Statute: 784.03 1a1
Offense date: Jun 4, 2008
Oca number: 08010815/08-1060F
Obts number: 0801048153
Level: F
Depositer name: MCGINNIS, PATRICK D
Court date: Jul 28, 2008
Charge: M
Bond amount: $2,500
Arresting officer: STENDER, BRAD
Arrest location: 1182 TAMIAMI TRAIL
Agency: FL0080000

Warrant: 00-862-F
Statute description: VOP (FRAUD/GRAND THEFT)
Statute: 948.06
Offense date: May 31, 2001
Obts number: 9037812
Depositer name: ,
Court date: Aug 1, 2001
Bond amount: $500
Arresting officer: /167/CARUSO
Arrest location: 121 E. MARION AVE
Agency: FL0080200

Warrant: 00-679-F
Statute description: VOP (GRAND THEFT)
Statute: 948.06
Offense date: May 29, 2001
Oca number: 01005796
Obts number: 9037812
Depositer name: ,
Court date: Aug 1, 2001
Bond amount: $500
Arresting officer: PGPD/CARUSO/167
Arrest location: 121 E. MARION ST
Agency: FL0080200

Statute description: DEALING IN STOLEN PROPERTY SARACOWRT#00017334CF001
Statute: 812.019 1
Offense date: Jan 5, 2001
Oca number: 01-175
Obts number: 9035731
Level: S
Depositer name: MCGINNIS, WALTER
Court date: Jan 6, 2001
Charge: F
Bond amount: $1,000
Bond agency: MCGINNIS
Arresting officer: PGPD
Arrest location: 121 E MARION AVE
Agency: FL0080200

Statute description: CRIMINAL REGISTRATION
Statute: CRM-1
Offense date: Jan 5, 2001
Obts number: 9035732
Depositer name: ,
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 00-1435M
Statute description: TRESSPASS(STRUCTURE)
Statute: 810.08 2a
Offense date: Dec 25, 2000
Oca number: 00034620
Obts number: 9035584
Level: S
Depositer name: TIDWELL, DONNA
Court date: Jan 10, 2001
Charge: M
Bond amount: $500
Bond agency: MCGINNIS
Arresting officer: DURRANCE, GEORGEANN
Arrest location: 2071 PELLAM BLVD
Agency: FL0080000

Warrant: 00-862F
Statute description: GRAND THEFT 00-862F
Statute: 812.014 2d
Offense date: Dec 25, 2000
Oca number: 00034616
Obts number: 9035584
Level: T
Court date: Feb 1, 2001
Charge: F
Bond amount: $50,000
Arresting officer: DURRANCE, GEORGEANN
Arrest location: 2071 PELLAM
Agency: FL0080000

Warrant: 00-679F
Statute description: GRAND THEFT - PROPERTY $300 TO $19
Statute: 812.014 2C1
Offense date: Sep 21, 2000
Obts number: 9034372
Bond amount: $1,575
Arresting officer: 0521
Agency: FL0080000


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.