Anastasia Alana Boone

Last Updated: February 3rd, 2025
Jail Location
Black Female
5′ 4″ (1.63m)
175lbs (79kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Mar 30, 1993
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Pin: 0200465209
Occupation: SALES
Marital status: S
Citizen: US
Birth place: FL
Release date: Jun 5, 2012
Offense agency: # 201200040562
Occupations: FRONT DESK
Obts: 5801179335
Id number: 2070
Booking number: 201200007698
Booking date: Jun 5, 2012
Arrest location: 1481 20TH ST
Arrest officer: BARRETT,BRIAN
Arrest date: Jun 5, 2012
Arresting agency: I FL0580100
Booking location: Sarasota County, FL
Zip code: 34234-8407
Unit: 34
Release reason: ROR
Supervision type: PROBATION FELONY
Supervision begin date: Aug 9, 2012
Scheduled termination date: Aug 8, 2014
Inmate status: ACTIVE
DC number: S32575
Current location: SARASOTA

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

1481 20 St, Florida 34234

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Sarasota County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Mar 13, 2015
Arrest location: SARASOTA
Booking number: 201500002980
Release reason: ROR
Release date: Mar 13, 2015
Booking location: Sarasota County, FL

Arresting agency: Sarasota Police Department
Arrest date: Jul 22, 2012
Arrest location: SARASOTA
Booking number: 201200009928
Release reason: BONDED (W/BOND COMPANY)
Release date: Jul 23, 2012
Booking location: Sarasota County, FL

Arresting agency: Sarasota Police Department
Arrest date: Jun 5, 2012
Arrest location: SARASOTA
Booking number: 201200007698
Release reason: BONDED (W/BOND COMPANY)
Release date: Jun 5, 2012
Booking location: Sarasota County, FL

Booking number: 201200009928
Booking location: Sarasota County, FL

Booking location: Sarasota County, FL

Booking number: 201400000669
Booking location: Sarasota County, FL

Recent Charges

Release date: Mar 13, 2015
Incident number: 201500017442
Docket: 2012 CF 007576 NC
Charge description: PROB VIOLATION: GRAND THEFT 300-5000 (X3)
Bond amount: $0
Arraign date: Mar 27, 2015

Release date: Jul 23, 2012
Incident number: 201200026692
Docket number: 2012 CF 007576 NC
Charge description: LARC: THEFT IS 300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN 5000 DOLS
Bond amount: $1,000
Bond agency: JONES
Arraign date: Aug 17, 2012

Release date: Jun 5, 2012
Incident number: 201200026692
Docket: 2012 CF 007576 NC
Charge description: LARC: THEFT IS 300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN 5000 DOLS
Bond amount: $5,000
Bond agency: WEST COAST
Arraign date: Jul 6, 2012

Type: AB
Statute: 812.014(2c1)
Charge description: LARC: THEFT IS 300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN 5000 DOLS
Case number: 2012 CF 007576 NC
Bond amount: $5,000
Argn date: Jul 6, 2012

Offense description: LARC: THEFT IS 300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN 5000 DOLS
Court case: 2012 CF 007576 NC
Bond amount: $1,000
Arraign date: Aug 17, 2012

Discharge date: Aug 9, 2012
Offense date: Apr 14, 2012
Offense: GRAND THEFT,300 L/5,000
Community supervision length: 2Y 0M 0D
Case number: 1207576

Discharge date: Aug 9, 2012
Offense date: Apr 15, 2012
Offense: GRAND THEFT,300 L/5,000
Community supervision length: 2Y 0M 0D
Case number: 1207576

Discharge date: Aug 9, 2012
Offense date: May 14, 2012
Offense: GRAND THEFT,300 L/5,000
Community supervision length: 2Y 0M 0D
Case number: 1207576

Offense description: PROB VIOLATION: GR THEFT $300 LESS TH $5000/GR THEFT $300 LESS TH $5000/GRAND THEFT $300 L/T 5000
Court case: 2012 CF 007576 NC
Booking number: 201400000669
Bond amount: no bond available
Arraign date: Jan 31, 2014


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.