Andrew Mariano Ortiz

Last Updated: November 30th, 2024
Jail Location
White Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
220lbs (100kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Apr 23, 1960
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Released by: R2 - Smith, R.
Possibility phone calls: Yes
Occupation: Other
Language: English
Commissary number: 112542
Comments: Donald Brown Bail Pwr#AA06519653,AA06519654,AA06519655
Case number: 2006-00102437
Make calls: No
Is released: No (Currently
Bond type: No Bond
Offense: KWPD03OFF4910
Bond amount: $1,500

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Nov 28, 2014
Arrest location: 725 18th Place Vero Beach Fl
Booking number: 2014-00005336
Booking date: Nov 28, 2014
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Sep 21, 2013
Arrest location: 2100 blk Ponce De Leon Cr VB,FL
Booking number: 2013-00004357
Booking date: Sep 21, 2013
Release reason: Posted Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Feb 6, 2012
Arrest location: 1420 5TH CT VERO BEACH FL
Booking number: 2012-00000557
Booking date: Feb 6, 2012
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jun 26, 2007
Arrest location: IRC Courthouse
Booking number: 2007-00003991
Booking date: Jun 26, 2007
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Mar 29, 2007
Arrest location: 4055 41TH Ave Vero Beach
Booking number: 2007-00001961
Booking date: Mar 29, 2007
Release reason: Posted Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Dec 29, 2006
Arrest location: 1900 Blk 10th Ave
Booking number: 2006-00007854
Booking date: Dec 29, 2006
Release reason: Transfer to Other Agency
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Oct 6, 2006
Arrest location: 100 Block Old Dixie Hwy. Vero Beach.
Booking number: 2006-00005956
Booking date: Oct 6, 2006
Release reason: Posted Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Apr 12, 2006
Arrest location: 4055 41st Ave Vero Beach
Booking number: 2006-00002190
Booking date: Apr 12, 2006
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jan 13, 2006
Arrest location: 2400 blk 43rd st
Booking number: 2006-00000278
Booking date: Jan 13, 2006
Release reason: Posted Cash Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: KWPD - KWPD
Arrest number: MCSO03ARR003958
Arrest date: May 7, 2003
Booking location: Monroe County, FL

Recent Charges

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive W/Suspended Drivers License
Docket: 200600770
Bond remarks: 200600770

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive W/License Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled
Docket: 2006CF1576
Bond remarks: 2006CF1576

Reason: Felony Poss Cocaine
Docket: 2006CF1576
Bond remarks: 2006CF1576

Reason: Misdemeanor Attach Tag Not Assigned
Docket: 2006CF1576
Bond remarks: 2006CF1576

Reason: Felony Viol Prob Felony Offense
Docket: 2006CF23703A
Bond remarks: 2006CF23703A

Reason: Felony Agg Assault With Deadly Weapon
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2012-00000595
Bond amount: $1,500

Reason: Felony Drive W/Suspended License Habitual (Felony)
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2006-1576
Bond number: 2006-00001643
Bond amount: $5,000

Reason: Felony Poss Cocaine
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2006-1576
Bond number: 2006-00001644
Bond amount: $1,500

Reason: Misdemeanor Attach Tag Not Assigned
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2006-1576
Bond number: 2006-00001645
Bond amount: $500

Docket: 2013CF1237
Charge number: 1
Charge: Felony Agg Assault
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2013-00005094
Bond amount: $500

Docket: 2013CF1237
Charge number: 2
Charge: Misdemeanor Poss Marijuana Under 20 Grams
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2013-00005090
Bond amount: $500

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive W/Suspended DL With Knowledge
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2006-00006242
Bond amount: $500

Reason: Felony Fail To Appear Felony Offense
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond remarks: 2006-1576

Reason: Felony Drive W/Suspended License Habitual (Felony)
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2006-1576
Bond number: 2007-00004428
Bond amount: $5,000

Reason: Felony Poss Cocaine
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2006-1576
Bond number: 2007-00004429
Bond amount: $1,500

Reason: Misdemeanor Attach Tag Not Assigned
Docket: 2006-1576
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2006-1576
Bond number: 2007-00004430
Bond amount: $500

Statute: Misdemeanor Viol Prob Misd Offense

Statute: 1 Felony Count(s) of 784.021.1a


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.