Date of birth: | Feb 21, 1977 |
Prisoner type: | STATE INMATE |
Pid: | 0000398397 |
Housing: | Not Active |
Committed: | 10/03/2011 at 20:05 |
Obid: | 717400 |
Housing location: | Not Active |
Arresting agency: | MSD |
Arrest number: | 01518816 |
Arrest date: | Dec 14, 2011 |
Booking date: | Dec 14, 2011 |
Release date: | Dec 14, 2011 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01511284 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01518816 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 546400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR244786 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 546400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR244786 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 232201 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR251118 |
Bond amount: | REL 600 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 542600 4170B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR244787 |
Bond amount: | REL 700 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 542600 4170B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR244787 |
Bond amount: | REL 700 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 540500 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR244785 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 1125111801 |
Charge description: | LARCENY (MISDEMEANOR) - $200 & UP |
Bond amount: | $600 |
Arrest type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Arrest process: | WARRANT |
Type: | SEC |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Description: | LARCENY (MISDEMEANOR) - $200 And UP |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 232201 |
Case: | 11CR251118 |
Bond: | 600 |