Date of birth: | Dec 21, 1988 |
Prisoner type: | Awaiting Arraignment |
Gsn: | 183751 |
Booking number: | 2012-00000398 |
Booking date: | Feb 4, 2012 |
Booking origin: | Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office |
Release date: | Feb 5, 2012 |
Booking location: | Ascension Parish, LA |
Offense date: | Feb 4, 2012 |
Charge description: | Possession of Marijuana, or synthetic cannabinoids |
Offense date: | Feb 4, 2012 |
Crime class: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | Prohibited acts; Drug Paraphernalia |
Type: | Combo |
Number: | 2012-90459441 |
Amount: | $732.50 |
Type: | Combo |
Number: | 2012-90459442 |
Amount: | $332.50 |