Date of birth: | Sep 26, 1968 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Odoc: | 468157 |
Booking location: | McIntosh County, OK |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Feb 4, 2004 |
Offense: | Uttering Forged Instruments |
End: | 02/03/2009 |
Crf: | 2001-291 |
County: | MCIN |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Feb 4, 2004 |
Offense: | Unlawful Possession Of Paraphernalia |
End: | 02/03/2009 |
Crf: | 2003-18B |
County: | MCIN |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Feb 4, 2004 |
Offense: | Poss Of Controlled Substance |
End: | 02/03/2009 |
Crf: | 2003-18B |
County: | MCIN |