Date of birth: | 1995 |
Number of holds: | ID HOLD undisclosed - 001 |
Cell: | BRCMBFNA |
Booking number: | 14027827 |
Booking date: | Aug 10, 2014 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 14OFF003444 |
Charge: | Carrying A Concealed Firearm |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 959 |
Bond amount: | $2,500 |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 14OFF003444 |
Charge: | Grand Theft 3rd Degree-Firearm |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 960 |
Bond amount: | $150 |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 14OFF003444 |
Charge: | Loitering Or Prowling |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 961 |
Bond amount: | $100 |