Antonio Leonard Brown

Last Updated: November 23rd, 2024
Jail Location
Black Male
5′ 9″ (1.75m)
160lbs (73kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1971
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Number of holds: ID HOLD
Warrant number: 482014MM000239E
Warrant issued: 10/02/2015
Docket no: 1399402
Complexion: BLK
Birth place: FL
Arrest date: Apr 2, 2010
Arresting agency: GULFPORT POLICE
Inmate status: ACTIVE
DC number: 343100

Documented Aliases

Fl 32810 Orlando

Known addresses

Florida 32810

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 17001156
Booking date: Jan 13, 2017
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 16013003
Booking date: Apr 28, 2016
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 13031113
Booking date: Sep 1, 2013
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking type: FELONY

Recent Charges

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482013CF011883O
Charge: Possession Of Cocaine
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 060
Bond amount: $1,000
Agency: Eatonville Pd

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482013CF011883O
Charge: Loitering Or Prowling
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 061
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Eatonville Pd

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482013CF011883O
Charge: Resisting Officer Without Violence
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 062
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Eatonville Pd

Note: Icjis Affidavit, Original Charge(s): Battery
Court location: CC4 - WINTER PARK
Court case: 2014MM000239AE
Charge: Violation Of Probation
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 351
Bond amount: $2,000
Agency: Eatonville Pd

Bond amount: $2,000

Statute: 901.04/F
Offense description: SEMINOLE CO #095280CFA FTA POSS OF COCAINE
Obts: 5206068953
Court case: CRCAB90733CFANO
Charge number: 1
Agency report number: GP10000603

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482017CF000530AO
Charge: Possession Of Cocaine
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 346
Bond amount: $1,000
Agency: Ocoee Pd


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.