Arlene Lisetta Diaz

Last Updated: January 1st, 2025
Jail Location

Personal Details

Report number: 130028888

Recent Arrests

Arrest location: 161/ROCK ISLAND
Booking number: 1310566
Booking location: Texas

Recent Charges

Warrant: M008218201
Charge literal: SPEEDING IN 40 MILE
Charge: 000802
Bond amount: $325
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 008134256-02
Charge literal: ARL-DISP EXP LIC PL
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $361
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 008176500-01
Charge literal: ARL-NO LIC PL LIGHT
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $394
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 008176500-02
Charge literal: ARL-DROVE W/OUT 2 LI
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $361
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 000532819-01
Charge literal: ARL-REG VIOL
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $361
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 000532819-02
Charge literal: ARL-FAIL TO SIGNAL L
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $394.10
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 000532819-03
Charge literal: ARL-FMFR
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $511
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 000626459-01
Charge literal: ARL-DEF HEAD LAMP
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $394.10
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 124133-01
Charge literal: DALWORTH-DISP EXP RE
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $400
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 124133F-01
Charge literal: DALWORTH-FTA
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $540
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: JT103161 2008 TR023003
Charge literal: FT WTH-SPEEDING
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $323.70
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: JT775467 2011 TR007544
Charge literal: FT WTH-LIC PLA REG
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $182
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: JT834496 2011 TR055329
Charge literal: FT WTH-LIC PLA REG
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $182
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: N000305801
Charge literal: SPEEDING IN 70 MILE
Charge: 000820
Bond amount: $320
Agency: GPPD

Warrant: 008134256-01
Charge literal: ARL-SPEEDING
Charge: O/C
Bond amount: $394.10
Agency: GPPD


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.