Arthur William Schroeder

Last Updated: January 26th, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
190lbs (86kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1931
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue
Registration: 03178
Level: Level III
Commentaries: Comments According to official documents, Schroeder was found guilty by jury trial in Snohomish County Superior Court on 01/04/1984 of 6 counts of Statutory Rape 2nd Degree, 1 count of Statutory Rape 3rd Degree, 6 counts of Indecent Liberties, 6 counts of Communication with a Minor for Immoral Purposes, 1 count of simple assault, and 1 count of Furnishing Liquor to Minors. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison and received various concurrent sentences under separate counts. These convictions were the result of Schroeder sexually assaulting the female victims ranging in age from 10 to 17 from 1980 to 1983. In August of 1983, police became aware of Schroeder?s involvement with young females when Schroeder told an off-duty Washington State Patrol officer who lived next to him that he (Schroeder) was having sex with a 15 year old female and told the Trooper how he liked young girls. Schroeder wanted to know if the trooper was interested in participating in sexual encounters with under aged females. At about the same time police were notified by the mother of a victim who Schroeder had attempted to solicit for sex. Schroeder would supply his victims with alcohol and marijuana to keep them from reporting his crimes and also to entice them to his residence. Shroeder also employed teenage males to entice potential victims to his residence by offering drugs and alcohol. Schroeder has a 40 year history of sexually deviant behavior involving minor females and he has reported his preferred age range is from 8 to 14 years old. Schroeder was found non-amenable to the sex offender treatment program while in prison. He did complete a chemical dependency program in March of 1992 and Victim Awareness in 1998. Schroeder is not on active supervision and his only requirement is to register as a sex offender. REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER.
Classification: Level III

Known addresses

Marysville, Washington 98270

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Snohomish County, WA

Booking number: 259656
Jail name: Indiana Sheriffs Association
Location: 147 Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Recent Charges

Convicted date: Sep 25, 1984

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.050 - Rape in the second degree.,
Date convicted: Sep 25, 1984
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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