Aubrey Ulysses Lewis

Last Updated: November 3rd, 2024
Jail Location
Black Male
6′ 5″ (1.96m)
220lbs (100kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 23, 1969
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Jid number: P00026749
Housing unit: H07
Targets: No additional information
Methods of offending: No additional information
Contact information: OREGON STATE POLICE - SOR: 503-378-3720
Conditions restrictions: This individual may not knowingly communicate in any manner with a person under 18 years of age with the intent to commit a crime or for the purpose of arousing or satisfying the sexual desires of this individual or another person. (ORS 163.479) This individual may not knowingly enter or remain in or upon premises where persons under 18 years of age regularly congregate (schools, child care centers, playgrounds, other places intended for use primarily by persons under 18 years of age and places where persons under 18 years of age gather for regularly scheduled educational and recreational programs). (ORS 163.476)

Scars marks tattoos

Mark: Tattoo, Hand, nonspecific

Mark: Tattoo, Hand, left
Description: LOYALTY

Mark: Tattoo, Forearm, left

Mark: Tattoo, Neck
Description: "DIVINE"

Mark: Tattoo, Hand, right
Description: DIVINE

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 1608342
Booking date: May 30, 2016
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1600630
Booking date: Jan 12, 2016
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1517711
Booking date: Oct 27, 2015
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1514578
Booking date: Sep 3, 2015
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1510862
Booking date: Jul 8, 2015
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1414092
Booking date: Aug 26, 2014
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1402443
Booking date: Feb 11, 2014
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking location: Marion County, OR

Recent Charges

Court date: Jun 8, 2016
Court: RJC
Charge name: Poss Sch I,Ii,Iii,Iv C/S,1st/2nd
Bond amount: $5,000
Arresting agency case: 160000354

Court date: Oct 29, 2015
Court: SJC
Charge name: Criminal Contempt
Bond amount: $2,310
Arresting agency case: 150023636

Court date: Sep 14, 2015
Court: SJC
Charge name: Arr Misd Probationr 4 Probation Viol
Bond amount: $3,000
Arresting agency case: 150001117

Court date: Aug 6, 2015
Court: SJC
Charge name: Dom Battery By Strangulation
Bond amount: $15,000
Arresting agency case: 150006531

Court date: Oct 16, 2014
Court: RMC2
Charge name: Domestic Battery,2nd
Bond amount: $10,000
Arresting agency case: 140016355

Court: RJC
Charge name: Fto Sex Offender Reg Laws/Regs,2+
Bond amount: $10,000
Arresting agency case: 140002851

Court: RJC
Charge name: Fto Sex Offender Reg Laws/Regs,1st
Bond amount: $5,000
Arresting agency case: 140002851

Offense name: COMPEL PROST-FEL
Conviction date: Feb 7, 1994

Offense name: SEX ABUSE 1-FEL
Conviction date: May 16, 2000

Court: SJC
Charge name: Domestic Battery,2nd
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 150006531

Court: SMC
Charge name: Fta After Bail, Misd Crime
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 150006533

Charge name: Fta After Bail, Misd Crime
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 150006531

Court: SMC
Charge name: Fta After Bail, Misd Crime
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 160000354

Court: SJC
Charge name: Criminal Contempt
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 160000699

Court: RMC2
Charge name: False Stmt To/Obstruct Pub Off
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 140016355


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.