Date of birth: | Nov 28, 1977 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Facility: | Indio Jail |
Court name: | Indio Larson Justice Center |
Case number: | 1304C-2686 |
Bail amount: | $5,000 |
Housing unit: | 14P0 |
Mugshots com: | 185627682 |
Ext id key: | 371920523859752226 |
Arresting agency: | Palm Springs PD |
Arrest date: | Jun 28, 2021 |
Arrest location: | E RAMON W/O GENE AUTRY RD |
Booking number: | 202125583 |
Booking date: | Jun 29, 2021 |
Release date: | Jun 29, 2021 |
Booking location: | Riverside County, CA |
Arresting agency: | Palm Desert PD |
Arrest date: | Apr 30, 2014 |
Arrest location: | W VERBA SANTA DR PALM SPRINGS |
Booking number: | 201420482 |
Booking date: | May 1, 2014 |
Release date: | May 2, 2014 |
Booking location: | Riverside County, CA |
Arresting agency: | Court Services East |
Arrest date: | Aug 14, 2013 |
Arrest location: | 46200 OASIS ST 3S |
Booking number: | 201336522 |
Booking date: | Aug 14, 2013 |
Booking location: | Riverside County, CA |
Arresting agency: | Cathedral City PD |
Arrest date: | Apr 11, 2013 |
Arrest location: | ROUNDUP RD AND NAVAJO TR |
Booking number: | 201315959 |
Booking date: | Apr 12, 2013 |
Release date: | Apr 12, 2013 |
Booking location: | Riverside County, CA |
Type: | MISD |
Description: | DRI/LIC SUSP DRUNK DRIV |
Charge: | 14601.2(A) |
Booking type: | VC |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | FEL |
Description: | BELT BUCKLE KNIFE |
Charge: | 20410 |
Booking type: | PC |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | FEL |
Description: | METAL KNUCKLES |
Charge: | 21810 |
Booking type: | PC |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | MISD |
Description: | DUI |
Charge: | 23152(A) |
Booking type: | VC |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | MISD |
Description: | DUI ALCO/0.08 PERCENT |
Charge: | 23152(B) |
Booking type: | VC |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | FEL |
Charge: | 667.5(B) |
Booking type: | PC |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | FEL |
Description: | POSS NARC CONTR SUBS |
Charge: | 11350(A) |
Booking type: | H&S |
Bond amount: | $45,000 |
Type: | FEL |
Description: | POSS NARC CONTR SUBS |
Charge: | 11350(A) |
Booking type: | H&S |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |