Date of birth: | Jun 29, 1960 |
Folder id: | 2360183 |
Booking date: | Jun 5, 2013 |
Booking location: | Orleans Parish, LA |
Magistrate section: | A |
Magistrate number: | 5027093 |
Docket section: | A |
Docket: | 1145843 |
Disposition date: | Jun 19, 2013 |
Court type: | M |
Charge text: | CRIMINAL TREPASS |
Charge sta vio sub: | 271MCS/54-153 |
Arrest number: | 12143751 |
Arrest date: | Jun 5, 2013 |
Magistrate section: | A |
Magistrate number: | F38153 |
Docket section: | A |
Docket: | 1145777 |
Disposition date: | Jun 6, 2013 |
Court type: | M |
Charge text: | THEFT OF GOODS $300 TO $500 |
Charge sta vio sub: | RS 14/67.10(B)(3) |
Arrest number: | 12143578 |
Arrest date: | Jun 4, 2013 |
Magistrate section: | B |
Magistrate number: | F38154 |
Docket section: | B |
Docket: | 1145778 |
Disposition date: | Jun 6, 2013 |
Court type: | M |
Charge text: | THEFT OF GOODS $300 TO $500 |
Charge sta vio sub: | RS 14/67.10(B)(3) |
Arrest number: | 12143579 |
Arrest date: | Jun 4, 2013 |
Docket section: | B |
Docket: | 1141248 |
Disposition date: | Jun 6, 2013 |
Details comments: | PP... |
Court type: | M |
Charge sta vio sub: | ATTACH/MUN |
Arrest number: | 12143580 |
Arrest date: | Jun 4, 2013 |