Date of birth: | 1981 |
Hair: | Brn |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Jacket number: | 16594 |
Inmate classification: | COUNTY |
Badge: | 3133 |
Arresting agency: | LONDON POLICE DEPARTMENT |
Arrest number: | 77935 |
Arrest date: | Apr 24, 2014 |
Arrest officer: | LAWSON |
Booking date: | Apr 24, 2014 |
Booking location: | Laurel County, KY |
Arresting agency: | KENTUCKY STATE POLICE POST 11 |
Arrest number: | 75687 |
Arrest date: | Nov 3, 2013 |
Arrest officer: | WALKER S |
Booking date: | Nov 3, 2013 |
Booking location: | Laurel County, KY |
Status: | PENDING |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | DI |
Court time: | 20140425 |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | BQ14523 |
Charge number: | 158681 |
Charge description: | TBUT OR DISP SHOPLIFTING U/$500 |
Arrest date: | Apr 24, 2014 |
Arrest code: | 23935 |
Status: | PENDING |
Crime type: | V |
Court type: | DI |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | BN00309 |
Charge number: | 152379 |
Charge description: | SPEEDING 15 MPH OVER LIMIT |
Arrest date: | Nov 3, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 00015 |
Status: | PENDING |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | DI |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | BN00309 |
Charge number: | 152380 |
Charge description: | OPER MTR VEH U/INFLU ALC/DRUGS/ETC. .08 (AGG CIRCUM), 2ND |
Bond type: | CASH |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Arrest date: | Nov 3, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 02111 |
Status: | PENDING |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | DI |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | BN00309 |
Charge number: | 152381 |
Charge description: | POSS OF MARIJUANA |
Arrest date: | Nov 3, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 42330 |