Date of birth: | 1969 |
Cell: | BRCMBFNA |
Booking number: | 15031894 |
Booking date: | Sep 16, 2015 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Booking number: | 13034724 |
Booking date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482013CF013194O |
Charge: | Possession Of Cocaine |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 928 |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CC1 - ORLANDO |
Court case: | 201500380719 |
Charge: | Camping Prohibited; Exceptions |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 591 |
Bond amount: | $250 |
Agency: | Orlando Pd |
Court location: | CC1 - ORLANDO |
Court case: | 201500380719 |
Charge: | Parks And Facilities, Closing Hours, Presence After Closing Hours Prohibited |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 592 |
Bond amount: | $100 |
Agency: | Orlando Pd |