Bradford Jay Mcenteggart

Last Updated: January 21st, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
190lbs (86kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 28, 1958
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Green
Docket no: 1352894
Complexion: MED
Birth place: DC
Arrest date: May 6, 2009
Booking location: Pinellas County, FL
Release date: Jul 15, 2009
Inmate status: RELS
City of birth: WASHINGTON
Cin: 489966
Build: SLIM
Booking number: 200906040
Booking date: May 9, 2009
Bn: 123095
Spin: 96158
Scars marks and tattoos: TT POP SHAMROCK COIN ON CHEST
Inmate location: RELEASED - 8/25/2012 3:45 AM; SURETY BOND
Commissary account balance: $0

Documented Aliases

Bradford Jay Mcenteggart

Known addresses

Florida 33781

Scars marks tattoos

Description: back of right thigh t/t black rose on right shoulder t/t fierce lion with open mouth on left shoulder t/t dragon on lower left forearm and wizard on lower right forearm

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: PINELLAS PARK POLICE
Arrest date: Aug 4, 2012
Booking date: Aug 4, 2012
Booking type: FELONY

Arresting agency: OTHER
Arrest date: May 9, 2009
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PASCO CO SO
Arrest date: Feb 19, 2009
Arrest type: ON VIEW

Arresting agency: PASCO CO SO
Arrest date: May 18, 2006
Arrest type: OTHER BOOKING

Booking type: FELONY

Recent Charges

Statute: 893.13(6)(A)/F
Offense description: FTA POSS CONTROLLED SUB
Obts: 5207068702
Court case: CRC0818708CFANO
Charge number: 1

Statute: 843.15(1)(A)/F
Offense description: FAILURE TO APPEAR
Obts: 5207068702
Court case: CRC0910245CFANO
Charge number: 2

Statute: 999999-05
Offense description: PASCO CO#0900951CFAWS BURGLARY AUTO
Court case: CRCAB80917CFANO
Charge number: 3
Bond assessed: $2,500
Bond amount: $2,500

Statute: 999999-04
Offense description: PASCO CO#0901123MMAWS SIMPLE BATTERY
Court case: CTCAB80918MMANO
Charge number: 4
Bond assessed: $150
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 893.13(6)(A)/F
Offense description: POSS OF METHAMPHETAMINE
Obts: 5207051821
Court case: CRC0818708CFANO
Charge number: 1
Bond assessed: $2,000
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SO08230327

Dispo type: RLOT
Court case: CRC0900951CFAWS
Code: 810.02.4B
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: OFFB - BURGLARY AUTO
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: TS
Court case: CTC0901123MMAWS
Code: 784.03.1a1
Charge seq: 2
Charge description: OFFB - SIMPLE BATTERY
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Statute: 999999-05
Offense description: HOLD DOC #060421 LAKE C.I.
Court case: CRCAB87765CFANO
Charge number: 1

Statute: 893.13(6)(A)/F
Court case: CRC0818708CFANO
Charge number: 2

Statute: 843.15(1)(A)/F
Offense description: FAILURE TO APPEAR RTN HRG
Court case: CRC0910245CFANO
Charge number: 3

Dispo type: BOND
Court case: CRC0900951CFAWS
Code: 810.02.4B
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: BURGLARY AUTO
Bond amount: $2,500
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: BOND
Court case: CTC0901123MMAWS
Code: 784.03.1a1
Charge seq: 2
Charge description: SIMPLE BATTERY
Bond amount: $150
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: RLSD
Court case: CRCAA42501CFAWS
Code: 901.31
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: FTA FELONY
Bond amount: $50,000

Dispo type: RLSD
Court case: CTCAA42502MMAWS
Code: 900.04
Charge seq: 2
Charge description: CONTEMPT OF COURT MISD
Bond amount: $0

Statute: 901.04/M
Offense description: LEVY #2012CT000383 FTA OPER DL SUSP CANCREV
Court case: CTCAC05651MMANO
Charge number: 1
Bond assessed: $2,000
Bond amount: $0

Statute: 784.03(2)/F
Obts: 5206122484
Court case: CRC1214295CFANO
Charge number: 2
Agency report number: SO12050670


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.