Date of birth: | Sep 23, 1991 |
Number of holds: | Violent Offender |
Cell: | BRCSBH3 |
Booking number: | 13004995 |
Booking date: | Feb 9, 2013 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Booking number: | 12021924 |
Booking date: | Jun 16, 2012 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Note: | Icjis Affidavit, Original Charge(s): Burglary |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482011CF002836BO |
Charge: | Violation Of Community Control |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 550 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Note: | Icjis Affidavit, Original Charge(s): Burglary |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482011CF002836BO |
Charge: | Violation Of Community Control |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 551 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482011CF002836BO |
Charge: | Violation Of Community Control |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 552 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482010CF018250A/O |
Charge: | Violation Of Community Control |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 553 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482010CF018250A/O |
Charge: | Violation Of Community Control |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 554 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482012CF007809O |
Charge: | Aggravated Assault (domestic Violence) |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 991 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482012CF007809O |
Charge: | Battery (domestic Violence) |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 992 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482010CF018250AO |
Charge: | Violation Of Probation |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 993 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |