Brent Allen Chadwick

Last Updated: January 22nd, 2025
Jail Location
South Carolina
White Male
5′ 11″ (1.80m)
267lbs (121kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1972
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Status: Active
Registration: 0000019814
Level: Adult Tier III Offender
Comments: " Probation Conditions 1. The defendant shall participate in the Computer/Internet Monitoring Program and abide by the rules of that program as approved by the United States Probation Office. 2. The defendant shall not possess, procure, purchase, or otherwise obtain access to any form of computer network, bulletin board, Internet or exchange format involving computers from any location other than approved by the United States Probation Office. 3. The defendant shall have no unsupervised contact with children under the age of 18 without the approval and consent of the Court or the United States Probation Office. 4. The defendant shall participate in a sex offender treatment program as approved by the probation officer which may include physiological and psychological testing. 5. The defendant shall comply with any laws regarding sex offender registration of the state to which he/she is released. 6. The defendant shall not possess any sexually explicit material. 7. The defendant shall submit to random polygraphs conducted by any person deemed appropriate by the probation officer. 1. The defendant shall participate in the Computer/Internet Monitoring Program and abide by the rules of that program as approved by the United States Probation Office. 2. The defendant shall not possess, procure, purchase, or otherwise obtain access to any form of computer network, bulletin board, Internet or exchange format involving computers from any location other than approved by the United States Probation Office. 3. The defendant shall have no unsupervised contact with children under the age of 18 without the approval and consent of the Court or the United States Probation Office. 4. The defendant shall participate in a sex offender treatment program as approved by the probation officer which may include physiological and psychological testing. 5. The defendant shall comply with any laws regarding sex offender registration of the state to which he/she is released. 6. The defendant shall not possess any sexually explicit material. 7. The defendant shall submit to random polygraphs conducted by any person deemed appropriate by the probation officer.
Classification: Adult Tier III Offender

Documented Aliases

Brent Allen Chadwick

Scars marks tattoos

Description: Tattoo on R_arm (Eagle in a bird cage)

Recent Arrests

Booking location: Laurens County, SC

Booking number: 0000019814
Jail name: Illinois State Police
Location: 9511 Harrison St, Des Plaines, IL 60016

Recent Charges

Convicted date: Aug 29, 2003
State: Federal
Release date: May 24, 2011
Details: The victim of this offense in the defendant's 11 year-old daughter. The child's mother reported that she and the victim are receiving counseling. The defendant's daughter completed a victim impact statement. The victim gave the following response in writing when asked to respond to: Please write or draw anything you want the judge to know thatmay be different at school, in your neighborhood, or with your friends because of what has happend to you. Answer: " A girl at school found out. Now everyone is saying I'm pregnant and calling me names. That hurts and I won't let my mom come to school to make them stop. I don't know why he did this to me. I thought he had changed. I thought hew as going to be a good daddy. But all he willever do in hurt me that's all he has ever done to me, Chis and momma. He is all bad. Please don't let him hurt anyone else like he hurt me. And don't let him hurt no one like he hurt my momma. Momma was only good to all of us and him. All he was bad and mean to the 3 of us. Momma used to say remember the good timesnot the bad. But all I can remember is the BAD! Brent Chadwick was employed as a long distance truck driver with Covenant Transport. Sometime during June 2002, Chadwick and his ex-wife agreed that their oldest child would accompany the defendant on a three week working trip to various states around the country. The Chadwick's oldest child is their 11- year old daughter. On June 25, 2002, the defendant, Chadwick and his 1- year old daugther left Greenwood, SC, to begin the three week work trip. On or about June 28, 2002, approximately three days into the trip, the defendant began sexually abusing his 11 - year old daughter. The defendant's daughter reported to investigators tha the the sexual abuse was attempted or performed every night and sometimes during the day. According to the defendant's daughter, the sexual abuse occurred approximately twenty times. The sexual abuse took place in the form of oral sex as well as vaginal intercourse. The victim advised that Brent Chadwick had warts on his penis. The defendant's daughter stated that her father used a condom sometimes and at other times did not. On July 13, 2002, Brent Chadwick returned his daughter to her mother in Greenwood, SC. When confronted by the FBI Brent Chadwick confirmed the statement given by his daugther.

Other charges

Description: 16-3-655(B)(1) - CRIM SEX CONDUCT W/ MINOR(11-14YRS)-2ND DEG
Date released: May 24, 2011
Date convicted: Aug 14, 2002
Conviction state: South Carolina
Charges: N/A


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