Date of birth: | Jan 22, 1970 |
Discharge date: | Oct 8, 2015 |
Mndoc offender id: | 248183 |
Inmate status: | Incarcerated as of 10/08/2015. Currently at |
Highest ranked offense: | Drugs |
Expiration date: | Dec 23, 2019 |
Court file number s: | Clay - 14-CR-15-667 |
Case worker: | Lisa Jorgenson (320) 240-3048 |
Status: | Incarcerated as of 10/08/2015. Currently at MCF Faribault. |
Release date: | May 14, 2018 |
Caseworker: | Roxane Collier (507) 334-0764 |
Offense: | Drugs |
Case number: | Clay - 14-CR-15-667 |
Release date: | May 14, 2018 |
Booking location: | Minnesota |
Jail name: | Minnesota State Prison |