Date of birth: | Dec 12, 1984 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Docket no: | 1409271 |
Complexion: | LGT |
Birth place: | FL |
Arrest date: | Jun 10, 2010 |
Arresting agency: | CLEARWATER POLICE |
Description: | tt on back of neck- heart with stars also tt on top of right foot- worm on a hook |
Booking type: | FELONY |
Statute: | 812.014(2)(C)(1)/F |
Offense description: | GRAND THEFT |
Obts: | 5206073244 |
Court case: | CRC1012730CFANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond assessed: | $5,000 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | CW10065605 |