Date of birth: | Apr 2, 1968 |
Discharge date: | Dec 11, 2014 |
Mndoc offender id: | 245635 |
Inmate status: | Incarcerated as of 12/11/2014. Currently at |
Highest ranked offense: | Counterfeiting/Fraud |
Expiration date: | Aug 20, 2015 |
Court file number s: | Stearns - 73-CR-13-10588 |
Case worker: | Jocelyn Thomson-Thelen (320) 240-3061 |
Status: | Under Supervision as of 05/31/2016. Currently with MnDOC St. Cloud District. |
Offense: | Drugs |
Case number: | Benton - 05-CR-13-447 |
Sentence begin date: | Nov 14, 2000 |
Reason for release: | MANDATORY DISCHARGE |
Inmate committed name: | BRUCE CANADY |
Good time law: | 364 |
Dcs id: | 54480 |
Current parole eligibility date: | Feb 28, 2005 |
Release date: | Mar 12, 2015 |
Booking location: | Minnesota |
Release date: | Feb 28, 2010 |
Booking location: | Lancaster County, NE |
Arresting agency: | Willie Swanson |
Jail name: | Minnesota State Prison |
Run code: | CC |
Maximum: | 20 Yr 0 Mo 0 Da |
County: | LANCASTER |
Charges: | N/A |
Description: | Felony - - |
Charges: | N/A |