Date of birth: | Sep 21, 1994 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Global subject number: | 1210471 |
Bond amount: | $30,500 |
SO#: | 882926 |
Facility: | Hays County Jail |
Booking date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Booking origin: | HAYS CO SO |
Booking location: | Bell County, TX |
Arresting agency: | SAN MARCOS POLICE DEPT |
Booking number: | 2017-00586 |
Booking date: | Jan 30, 2017 |
Booking location: | Hays County, TX |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | CLASS B |
Charge description: | PC 30.05(a) / CRIMINAL TRESPASS |
Case warrant number: | 72290-41 |
Agency: | HAYS CO SO |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | CLASS A |
Charge description: | PC 30.04(a) / BURGLARY OF VEHICLE |
Case warrant number: | AOSMPD1706854 |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | STATE JAIL FELONY |
Charge description: | PC 32.51(c)(1) / FRAUD USE/POSS IDENTIFYING INFO # ITEMS |
Case warrant number: | AOSMPD1706854 |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | CLASS B |
Charge description: | PC 30.05(a) / CRIMINAL TRESPASS |
Case warrant number: | AOSMPD1706854 |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | CLASS A |
Charge description: | PC 38.04(b) / EVADING ARREST DETENTION |
Case warrant number: | AOSMPD1706854 |
Warrant: | 72290-41 |
Issuing authority: | KILLEEN PD |
Bond type: | $2,500 Cash or Surety |
Warrant: | Warrantless/On-View |
Charge: | BURG OF VEHICLE-A (SMPD 17-06854) |
Bond type: | $5,000 Cash or Surety |
Warrant: | Warrantless/On-View |
Charge: | FRAUD USE POSS ID-SJF (SMPD 17-06854) |
Bond type: | $15,000 Cash or Surety |
Warrant: | Warrantless/On-View |
Charge: | CRIMINAL TRESPASS-B (SMPD 17-06854) |
Bond type: | $3,000 Cash or Surety |
Warrant: | Warrantless/On-View |
Charge: | EVADE ARREST-A (SMPD 17-06854) |
Bond type: | $5,000 Cash or Surety |
Type: | BOND |
Amount: | $2,500 |
Type: | BOND |
Amount: | $5,000 |
Type: | BOND |
Amount: | $15,000 |
Type: | BOND |
Amount: | $3,000 |