Date of birth: | Jul 17, 1981 |
Booked at: | Gaston |
Booking number: | 3465635 |
Booking date: | Mar 11, 2017 |
Booking location: | Gaston County, NC |
Description: | Violation Description: DWI |
Description: | Violation Description: Speed, Exceed limt >15 Or Exceed 80 mph |
Description: | Violation Description: Reckless Driving, To Endanger |
Description: | Violation Description: Fail to Report Accident |
Description: | Violation Description: Drive Left Of Center,I |
Description: | Violation Description: Flee/Elude Arrest, Motor Vehicle |
Description: | Violation Description: Fail To Stop - Steady Red Light |
Description: | Violation Description: Fail Stop Stopsign/Flsh Red Lt |
Description: | Violation Description: Awdw, Government Official |