Date of birth: | 1991 |
Master id no: | 150237 |
Arresting agency: | ALS |
Arrest date: | Aug 10, 2014 |
Booking location: | Linn County, OR |
Security: | NO BAIL |
Docket: | 14CR03019 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Security: | $ 6,330 |
Docket: | 52267 |
Court: | MC-AL |
Charges: | 2 FTA - BENCH WARRANT |
Security: | $ 6,390 |
Docket: | 52227 |
Court: | MC-AL |
Charges: | 3 FTA - BENCH WARRANT |
Security: | $ 6,330 |
Docket: | 52228 |
Court: | MC-AL |
Charges: | 4 FTA - BENCH WARRANT |
Security: | $ 2,620 |
Docket: | 52226 |
Court: | MC-AL |
Charges: | 5 FTA - BENCH WARRANT |
Security: | $ 1,025 |
Docket: | 52505 |
Court: | MC-AL |
Charges: | 6 CONTEMPT OF COURT |
Security: | $ 50,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 7 ROBBERY I |
Security: | $ 3,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 8 THEFT 2 |
Security: | $ 3,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 9 MENACING |
Security: | $ 6,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 10 UN USE OF WEAPON |
Security: | $ 3,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 11 FEL POS RES WEAP |
Security: | $ 6,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 12 COERCION |
Security: | $ 3,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 13 CRIM TRES 1 |
Security: | $ 3,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 14 RESIST ARREST |