Date of birth: | Jul 27, 1978 |
Hair: | Bld |
Eyes: | Brown |
Facility: | Larry D. Smith Correctional |
Case number: | CV37145 |
Bail amount: | $30,000 |
Arresting agency: | Cal Highway Patrol |
Arrest date: | Jan 31, 2017 |
Arrest location: | E/B I 10 AND HARGRAVE |
Booking number: | 201703977 |
Booking date: | Jan 31, 2017 |
Release date: | Jan 31, 2017 |
Booking location: | Riverside County, CA |
Type: | MISD |
Description: | UNKNOWN CODE |
Charge: | 13.18.010 |
Booking type: | LO |
Bond amount: | $30,000 |