Christina Elizabeth Dew

Last Updated: January 14th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 3″ (1.60m)
120lbs (54kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Apr 8, 1982
Hair: Red or auburn
Eyes: Green
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED By: NEWTON, LAURA 0459 (AR11123182) (0120) did knowingly, actually and intentionally touch or strike DEPUTY NEWTON, a LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, against the will of that person while knowing that the said OFFICER was engaged in a lawful performance of HER legal duties, in violation of Florida STATE Statute 784.07. DID UNLAWFULLY RESIST, OBSTRUCT OR OPPOSE DEPUTY NEWTON, WHO WAS THEN AND THERE IN THE LAWFUL EXECUTION OF A LEGAL DUTY, OR EXECUTION OF LEGAL PROCESS, TO WIT: KICKING AND SCRATCHING, WHILE OFFERING OR DOING VIOLENCE TO THE PERSON OF SUCH OFFICER, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 843.01. did commit certain acts which are of such a nature as to corrupt the public morals or outrage the sense of public decency or affect the peace and quiet of a person who may witness them, or did engage in brawling or fighting, or in such conduct as to constitute a breach of the peace or disorderly conduct, in that THE DEFENDANT did ASSAULT TWO OFFICERS IN THE LIVING ROOM OF A WITNESS WHO BELIEVED THE DEFENDANT'S DAUGHTER HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED, in violation of Florida STATE Statute 877.03. ON 101611 AT approximately 0400 HOURS, I WAS DISPATCHEd TO 6611 West RENEE LaNe IN HOMOSASSa IN REFerence TO A POSSible MISSING TWO YEAR OLD. I WAS ADVised By DISPATCH THAT a female by the NAME OF ms CHRISTINA DEW, ARRIVED AT THE RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 6611 West RENEE LaNe, AND TOLD THE RESIDENTS THAT HER two YEAR OLD DAUGHTER HAD BEEN TAKEN BY ANOTHER FEMALE WITHOuT MS CHRISTINA DEW'S PERMISSION. UPON MY ArRIVAL, a Female BY THE NAME OF MS DANIELLE LINSEY, APPROACHED ME in the FRONT YARD AND ADVised ME THAT SHE HAD NO IDEA WHO THE Female WAS ONLY THAT SHE HAD KNOCKED ON HER DOOR AND TOLD HER THAT HER TWO YEAR OLD wAS MISSING. I WALKED UP THE STePS OF THE RESIDENce, at which time, i observed christina seated on a coUch in the living room. i approached ms christina dew and asked her what was going on, at that time, christina was SLOUCHED into the corner of the coach and had her right hand covering her face. when i asked her what was wrong, she raised her left hand, displayed her middle finger to me and stated "fuck you", at that time, i sat down in front of christina in an attempt to make eye contact with her. i informed christina that i was a deputy and that i needed to know what had happened to her daughter. at that time, christina again stated "fuck you" as she raised her right foot and kicked this deputy in the stomach. at that time, deputy taylor, who was standing behind the coUch, grabbed hold of her arm because she was raising it up to punch me. as her foot made contact with my torso, i grabbed a hold of it to prevent her from kicking me again. at this point, christina became extremely BELLIGERENT, yelling profanities and making any ATTEMPT she COULD to STRIKE myself and deputy taylor. we were able to turn christina over On the coUch and get her hands behind her back, at which time, i was abLe to handcuff her. as i did so, christina clawed at my left forearm and my right hand scratching me as i attempted to double lock the handcuffs. christina continued to flail, at which time, she began to slide over the back of the coUch. deputy taylor and i grabbed her and rolled her to the floor preventing her from falling. deputy vigGIANO arrived on scene, at which time, i requested that he grab his restraint DEVICE so that i could control christina's legs. i also reached down and activated the record button on my in-car camera because christina was continuing to be BELLIGERENT and refusing to calm down or cooperate in any way. christina then began to hallucinate and started talking to the occupants of the RESIDENCE calling them by different names as if she knew them. i obtained a hand towel from ms linsey and placed it around the ANKLES of christina and then placed the restraint device around the towel on her ANKLES preventing the device from injuring her. i crossed christina's ankles, Wrapped the restraint device around them once which prevented her from kicking me any further . i then ran the device over her HANDcuffs and clipped the end of the device on the loop near her ankles. i then rolled christina on her side and i stood up. at this point, the device prevented christina from harming herself or anyone else, BUT DID NOT CAUSE INJURY TO CHRISTINA while Emergency Medical SERVICES PERSONNEL assessed her for any possible injuries. as christina began to complain about discomfort from the device, i explained to her that if she agreed not to kick anymore i would unhook the strap from her handcuffs. christina agreed, at which time, i released the strap from the HANDcuff and secured it only around her ANKLES which prevented her from kicking while allowing her the ability to put her feet in front of her and sit up. at this point, christina was sitting, leaning up against my legs, AND i held onto her shoulders due to the fact that she was still combative and BELLIGERENT. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT I MAINTAINED CHRISTINA'S BALANCE AT ALL TIMES PREVENTING HER FROM INJURING HERSELF WHILE SHE WAS IN RESTRAINTS. medical PERSONNEL concludeD that HER behavior was narcotics and alcohol related and advised that she did not need to be transported for treatment. at this time, we transported ms christina dew to my PATROL vehicle where she was seated sitting straight up in the rear of my patrol vehicle and seat belted in. christina was still belLIGERENT and yelling but no longer being combative. i transported ms chrtistina dew to the CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE detention center. while en route, christina continued to HALLUCINATE and was making statements to somebody in my vehicle WHO was not there. throughout this incIDENT, ms christina dew made several statements that she wanted to die and she asked this deputy, several times, to put a bullet in her head and leave her in a field. ms christina dew was turned over to detention facility PERSONNEL. ms christina dew again became violent, forcing detention facility staff to place her in an individual holding cell. the residents of 6611 west renee lane provided me with a sworn written statement due to the fact that they both witnessed tHE entire INCIDENT. christina was charged with battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting a law enforcement officer with violence as well as a breech of peacE. all bonds were set per schedule which TOTALED $10,250.00 deputy alexander took photographs of my hand and arm while at the CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE detention facility. the photographs and a copy of the in-car audio will be turned in to evidence. "If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Administrator, Citrus County Courthouse, 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida 34450, Telephone (352) 341-6700, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.” *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias
Supervision begin date: Feb 8, 2012
Scheduled termination date: Feb 7, 2015
DC number: U45058

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

Florida 34448

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Oct 16, 2011
Booking number: 11123182
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 784.07
Charge description: ASSAULT/BATTERY LEO
Bond amount: $5,000

Code: 843.01
Bond amount: $5,000

Code: 877.03
Bond amount: $250


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