Christopher Michael Bernal

Last Updated: February 2nd, 2025
Jail Location
910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602
White Male
5′ 5″ (1.65m)
170lbs (77kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Sep 25, 1973
Ethnicity: H
Hair: Brown, Black
Eyes: Brown
Facial hair: Y
SO#: 49123
Skin: FAR
Pid: 41155
Key: 01041910005197
Dorm: E -4
Birth place: TX
Glasses: N
Build: MED

Documented Aliases

Christopher Michael Bernal

Known addresses

3033 Westlake Rd ,Abilene, TX 79605
1417 S 19Th,Abilene, TX
2057 Belmont ,Abilene, TX 79602
6501 Jennings ST ,Abilene, TX 79606
2400 Buffalo Gap Rd ,Abilene, TX 79605

Scars marks tattoos

Description: SC CHIN

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Jail Lobby
Booking number: 047024
Booking date: Dec 20, 2011
Release date: Dec 20, 2011
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 804938
Booking date: Jan 29, 2007
Release date: Jan 30, 2007
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Taylor Co. Sheriff's Office
Booking number: 804351
Booking date: Jan 10, 2007
Release date: Jan 10, 2007
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 785289
Booking date: Jul 5, 2005
Release date: Jul 6, 2005
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arrest number: 832514
Booking date: Apr 2, 2004
Booking location: Brown County, TX

Arrest number: 832514
Booking date: Jan 28, 2004
Booking location: Brown County, TX

Arrest number: 832514
Booking date: Apr 19, 2001
Booking location: Brown County, TX

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 736577
Booking date: Dec 10, 2000
Release date: Dec 19, 2000
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Taylor Co. Sheriff's Office
Booking number: 723881
Booking date: Aug 25, 1999
Release date: Aug 28, 1999
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 709350
Booking date: Jan 1, 1998
Release date: Jan 1, 1998
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 695214
Booking date: Apr 12, 1996
Release date: Apr 12, 1996
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 686803
Booking date: Apr 6, 1995
Release date: Apr 6, 1995
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Taylor Co. Sheriff's Office
Booking number: 675441
Booking date: Oct 15, 1993
Release date: Oct 16, 1993
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 670887
Booking date: Mar 31, 1993
Release date: Mar 31, 1993
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 668869
Booking date: Jan 10, 1993
Release date: Jan 10, 1993
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 668579
Booking date: Dec 30, 1992
Release date: Dec 30, 1992
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Booking number: 655750
Booking date: Jul 26, 1991
Release date: Jul 26, 1991
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 652659
Booking date: Mar 6, 1991
Release date: Mar 6, 1991
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Recent Charges

Warrant id: 243-P
Issuing auth: 42nd District Court
Offense date: Aug 18, 2011
Bond type: $15,000 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: 053829
Charge: THEFT S/W
Issuing auth: BROWN CO
Offense date: Jan 29, 2007
Bond type: $1,000 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 053195
Charge: FTA TBC
Issuing auth: BROWN CO
Offense date: Jan 10, 2007
Bond type: $1,000 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 053829
Charge: THEFT >=$20<$500 BY CHECK
Issuing auth: BROWN COUNTY
Offense date: Jul 5, 2005
Bond type: $1,000 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 1-97244
Charge: DWI CPF
Issuing auth: CCL1
Offense date: Dec 10, 2000
Fine or court cost: $981.75
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 1-97244
Charge: DWI S/W
Issuing auth: CCL1
Offense date: Aug 25, 1999
Bond type: $500 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 97244
Issuing auth: CCL1
Offense date: Jan 1, 1998
Bond type: $500 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 119995
Charge: FTA
Issuing auth: OTEASTLAND
Offense date: Apr 12, 1996
Bond type: $200 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 821952
Issuing auth: OTEASLTAND
Offense date: Apr 12, 1996
Bond type: $200 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 244531
Charge: V.P.T.A.
Issuing auth: OT APD
Offense date: Apr 6, 1995
Bond type: $50 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 234815
Charge: F.T.M.F.
Issuing auth: OT APD
Offense date: Apr 6, 1995
Bond type: $300 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: Local Warrant
Issuing auth: OT APD
Offense date: Apr 6, 1995
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 087238
Offense date: Oct 15, 1993
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 087697
Offense date: Mar 31, 1993
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: Local Warrant
Charge: DWLS
Issuing auth: CC/APD
Offense date: Mar 31, 1993
Bond type: $250 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 087238
Offense date: Jan 10, 1993
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: Local Warrant
Charge: DWLS/OOB
Issuing auth: CC APD
Offense date: Jan 10, 1993
Bond type: $500 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: Local Warrant
Charge: D W L S
Issuing auth: CC APD
Offense date: Dec 30, 1992
Bond type: $250 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: Local Warrant
Charge: MIP
Issuing auth: OT/ABC
Offense date: Jul 26, 1991
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Warrant id: 147423
Charge: C THEFT
Issuing auth: OTAPD
Offense date: Mar 6, 1991
Bond type: $90 - Null-Val
Charge desposition: Rel-Conv

Release date: Apr 19, 2001
Book date: Apr 19, 2001
Bondsman: CASH BOND
Bond amount: $1,000

Release date: Jan 28, 2004
Book date: Jan 28, 2004
Bond amount: $500

Release date: Apr 2, 2004
Offense: THEFT >=$20
Book date: Apr 2, 2004
Bond amount: $500

Release date: Apr 2, 2004
Offense: THEFT >=$20
Book date: Apr 2, 2004
Bond amount: $0


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.