Christopher John Broadus

Last Updated: January 14th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
170lbs (77kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 5, 1970
Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic
Hair: Blond or strawberry
Eyes: Blue
SO#: 49386
Verification requirement: ANNUALLY
Sid: 03979554
Risk level: MODERATE

Documented Aliases

Chris Broadus

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Denton County Sheriff's Office
Booking number: 45947
Booking date: Sep 3, 1992
Release date: Sep 15, 1992
Booking location: Denton County, TX

Arresting agency: Denton Police Department
Booking number: 31370
Booking date: Sep 29, 1991
Release date: Oct 4, 1991
Booking location: Denton County, TX

Arresting agency: Sanger Police Department
Booking number: 22452
Booking date: Feb 26, 1991
Release date: Feb 27, 1991
Booking location: Denton County, TX

Booking location: Llano County, TX

Booking location: Taylor County, TX

Recent Charges

Warrant: CR9102034C
Issuing authority: DENTON

Warrant: CK910341
Issuing authority: JP 5-1 DENTON

Warrant: CK910340
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC

Warrant: CK910339
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC

Warrant: CK910338
Issuing authority: JP5-1
Charge: IBC

Warrant: CK910164
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910086
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910085
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910084
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910083
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910082
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910081
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910080
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910079
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910074
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910073
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910059
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: CK910056
Issuing authority: JP5-1 DENTON
Charge: IBC-CPF

Warrant: J9100470A
Issuing authority: J9100470A
Charge: IBC/BF
Bond type: $500 Conversion/Unknown

Warrant: J9100479A
Issuing authority: DALLAS
Charge: IBC/BF
Bond type: $500 Conversion/Unknown

Warrant: 2968020090
Issuing authority: COLLIN CO

Warrant: 060892034558
Issuing authority: TDCJ

Warrant: CK910054
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910055
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910056
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910059
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910073
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910074
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910079
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910080
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910081
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910082
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910083
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910084
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910085
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: DENTON
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: I B C
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: 2968020090
Issuing authority: COLLIN CO.

Warrant: Local Warrant
Charge: CONV

Warrant: CK910086
Offense date: Feb 27, 1991
Issuing authority: JP5-1,DENTON CO
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $495 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CR9105355C
Issuing authority: DENTON CO
Charge: THEFT 0/20-U/200

Warrant: CR9102730C
Issuing authority: DENTON CO
Charge: THEFT PROPERTY 0/20-U/200

Warrant: CR9102034C
Issuing authority: DENTON CO
Charge: THEFT 0/20-U/200

Warrant: CK910054
Issuing authority: JP5
Charge: IBC

Warrant: CK910055
Issuing authority: JP-5
Charge: IBC

Warrant: CK910056
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910059
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910073
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910074
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910079
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910080
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910081
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910082
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910083
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC

Warrant: CK910084
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Issuing authority: JP-5
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond

Warrant: CK910085
Offense date: Oct 4, 1991
Fine or court cost: $247.50
Charge: IBC
Bond type: $500 Personal Recognizance Bond


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.