Date of birth: | Sep 13, 1991 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Supervision type: | PROBATION FELONY |
Supervision begin date: | Mar 10, 2010 |
Scheduled termination date: | Mar 9, 2013 |
Inmate status: | ACTIVE |
DC number: | N22769 |
Status: | Probationer |
Sid number: | 4861151M |
Mdoc number: | 952106 |
Discharge date: | Jan 6, 2016 |
Assigned location: | Oakland/Troy/Probation |
Inmate number: | 50609 |
Days in jail: | 1 |
Current location: | MIAMI |
Description: | Tattoo- Left Shoulder - Aiden |
Description: | Tattoo- Right Shoulder |
Release date: | Jan 6, 2015 |
Booking location: | Oakland County, MI |
Arresting agency: | GEORGIA STATE PATROL |
Booking date: | Sep 2, 2007 |
Release date: | Sep 2, 2007 |
Booking location: | Catoosa County, GA |
Arresting agency: | FORT OGLETHORPE P.D. |
Booking date: | Feb 18, 1997 |
Release date: | Feb 21, 1997 |
Booking location: | Catoosa County, GA |
Booking location: | Miami-Dade County, FL |
Arrest date: | Apr 6, 2017 |
Booking location: | Catoosa County, GA |
Discharge date: | Apr 27, 2015 |
Offense date: | Feb 20, 2015 |
County: | MIAMI-DADE |
Community supervision length: | 2Y 0M 0D |
Case number: | 1503708 |
Discharge date: | Apr 27, 2015 |
Offense date: | Feb 20, 2015 |
County: | MIAMI-DADE |
Community supervision length: | 2Y 0M 0D |
Case number: | 1503708 |
Discharge date: | Apr 27, 2015 |
Offense date: | Dec 19, 2014 |
County: | MIAMI-DADE |
Community supervision length: | 2Y 0M 0D |
Case number: | 1428019 |
Statute: | 99-8 |
Offense type: | Misdemeanor |
Description2: | WALKER CO SO |
Description: | HOLD FOR OTHER AGENCY |
Court: | Not Applicable |
Counts: | 1 |
Status: | Active |
Sentence number: | 1 |
Discharge date: | Jan 6, 2015 |
Offense date: | May 11, 2014 |
Offense: | Weapons-Firearms-Improper Possession Firearm in/upon Vehicle |
Mcl: | 750.227D |
Maximum sentence: | 1 year 0 months |
Court file number: | 14250943-FH |
County: | Oakland |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Active |
Sentence number: | 2 |
Discharge date: | Jan 6, 2015 |
Offense date: | May 11, 2014 |
Offense: | Operating-Lic Susp, Revok., Denied/Allowing Susp.Per to Oper |
Mcl: | 257.9041B |
Maximum sentence: | 1 year 0 months |
Court file number: | 14250943-FH |
County: | Oakland |
Conviction type: | Plea |