Christopher Michael Harvey

Last Updated: February 1st, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
145lbs (66kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1990
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
State id: 1163035
SO#: 316561
Booked at: SALT LAKE
Cob: Utah

Documented Aliases


Recent Arrests

Booking number: 11023848
Booking date: May 10, 2011
Release date: May 10, 2011
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 11016619
Booking date: Mar 29, 2011
Release date: Mar 29, 2011
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 10047184
Booking date: Sep 7, 2010
Release date: Sep 27, 2010
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Recent Charges

Offense date: May 10, 2011
Grade: M
Description: Public intoxication
Degree: C
Code: 76.9.701

Offense date: May 10, 2011
Grade: M
Description: Disorderly conduct
Degree: C
Code: 76.9.102

Offense date: May 10, 2011
Grade: M
Description: Poss drug paraphernalia (drug pipe)
Degree: B
Code: 58.37a.3.12.A

Offense date: Mar 29, 2011
Grade: M
Description: Retail thefts/Acts Constituting (shoplift)
Degree: B
Code: 76.6.602

Offense date: Sep 22, 2010
Grade: M
Description: Seatbelt Violation - Driver / Passenger
Degree: C
Code: 41.6.182
Case number: 105715807

Offense date: Sep 15, 2010
Grade: M
Description: DUI
Degree: B
Code: 41.6A.515
Case number: 085900254

Offense date: Sep 15, 2010
Grade: M
Description: Failure to remain atscene of accident
Degree: A
Code: 41.6A.401.1.B
Case number: 085900254

Offense date: Sep 7, 2010
Grade: M
Description: Accident involving injury - produce drivers license
Degree: A
Code: 41.6A.401.2.B
Case number: 085900254

Offense date: Sep 7, 2010
Grade: M
Description: DUI
Degree: B
Code: 41.6A.515
Case number: 085900254

Bonds Issued

Status: Open
Posted: Mar 29, 2011
Amount: $555

Status: Open
Posted: May 10, 2011
Amount: $850

Status: Sentenced
Posted: Sep 7, 2010
Number: 085900254

Status: Open
Posted: Sep 22, 2010
Number: 105715807
Amount: $170


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.