Date of birth: | Aug 24, 1988 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Spin: | 1472949 |
Scars marks and tattoos: | JORDAN; PARK |
Inmate location: | RELEASED - 12/3/2007 5:26 AM; TIME SERVED |
Docket no: | 1268141 |
Complexion: | DRK |
Commissary account balance: | $0 |
Birth place: | FL |
Status: | Prisoner |
Sid number: | 2869429M |
Security level: | II |
Mdoc number: | 664789 |
Discharge date: | Jun 4, 2034 |
Assigned location: | Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility |
Supervision type: | PROBATION FELONY |
Supervision begin date: | Nov 21, 2011 |
Scheduled termination date: | Jan 31, 2021 |
Inmate status: | ACTIVE |
DC number: | D42441 |
Current location: | MIAMI |
Mugshots com: | 184469123 |
Docket number: | 1844849 |
Ext id key: | 178035406120571151 |
Description: | Scar- Center Stomach - "moe" |
Description: | Tattoo- Back Left Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Back Right Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Back Right Forearm - Lil Dada |
Description: | Tattoo- Center Chest - :The son of a hustler" |
Description: | Tattoo- Center Left Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Center Right Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Front Left Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Front Right Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Lower Left Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Lower Right Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Upper Left Arm |
Description: | Tattoo- Upper Right Arm |
Arresting agency: | ST. PETERSBURG POLICE |
Arrest date: | Sep 14, 2020 |
Booking date: | Sep 14, 2020 |
Booking location: | Pinellas County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PINELLAS COUNTY SHERIFF |
Arrest date: | Sep 18, 2007 |
Booking date: | Sep 18, 2007 |
Booking type: | FELONY |
Booking location: | Pinellas County, FL |
Release date: | Jan 9, 2017 |
Booking location: | Wayne County, MI |
Booking location: | Miami-Dade County, FL |
Statute: | 810.02(4)(A)/F |
Offense description: | FTA BURGLARY |
Obts: | 5206014264 |
Court case: | CRC0619852CFANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Agency report number: | SO07264742 |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 1 |
Offense: | Weapons - Firearms - Possession by Felon |
Minimum sentence: | 3 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.224F / 769.11 |
Maximum sentence: | 10 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Jan 10, 2014 |
Date of offense: | Sep 5, 2013 |
Court file: | 13008368-01-FH |
County: | Wayne |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 2 |
Offense: | Robbery Armed |
Minimum sentence: | 3 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.529 |
Maximum sentence: | 15 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Oct 16, 2007 |
Date of offense: | Jun 4, 2007 |
Court file: | 0710926-01 |
County: | Wayne |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 3 |
Offense: | Weapons - Felony Firearms |
Minimum sentence: | 2 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.227BA |
Maximum sentence: | 2 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Oct 16, 2007 |
Date of offense: | Jun 4, 2007 |
Court file: | 0710926-01 |
County: | Wayne |
Conviction type: | Plea |