Christopher James Marquez

Last Updated: February 27th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 11″ (1.80m)
185lbs (84kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 9, 1985
Ethnicity: N
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Supervision: Discharged
Name type: Conviction
Kdoc: 6065251
Registration: 477
Level: Sex Offender
Comments: " Probation Conditions Entered
SO#: F756482

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

BURNET, TX 78611

Scars marks tattoos

Description: Tattoo on R_Shoulder (SUN)

Description: Tattoo on L_Shoulder (TRIBAL SUN)

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Other law Enforcement
Booking number: 18633
Booking date: May 19, 2006
Release date: May 30, 2006
Jail name: Howard County Jail
Location: I-20Bl, Big Spring, TX 79720

Booking location: Ford County, KS

Jail name: Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Location: 1620 SW Tyler St, Topeka, KS 66612

Recent Charges

Offense date: Jun 10, 2010
Statute: 21 - 3516 (a)(2)
Offense: Sexual exploitation of child; Film/magazine/printed <18 yoa
County: Pawnee
State: Kansas
Victim age: 2
Victim gender: Female

Warrant id: 5556J12
Charge: THEFT >=$1,500<20K
Issuing auth: JP12
Bond type: $2,000 - CONVERTED DATA
Charge desposition: Surety Bond Release (No longer Used)

Other charges

Description: 21-3516 - Sexual Exploitation of a Child
Date convicted: Feb 22, 2011
Charges: N/A

Recorded Convictions

Sentencing date: Jun 2, 2010
Offense date: Oct 11, 2007
Description: Giving a worthless check; Loss of less than 500
Crime level: Class A Misdemeanor
County: Ness
Case status II: Inactive
Case number I: 2008CR53

Sentencing date: Apr 21, 2010
Offense date: Aug 18, 2005
Description: Giving a worthless check; Loss of less than 500
Crime level: Class A Misdemeanor
County: Ness
Case status II: Inactive
Case number I: 2007CR58

Sentencing date: Aug 19, 2008
Offense date: Apr 23, 2008
Description: Burglary; Building not used as a dwelling
Crime level: Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 7
County: Ness
Case status II: Inactive
Case number I: 2008CR16

Sentencing date: Aug 19, 2008
Offense date: Apr 23, 2008
Description: Intentional w/o athrztn, access, dmg, mdfy, alter, dstry,cpy, disclose/take posses of computer
Crime level: Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 8
County: Ness
Case status II: Inactive
Case number I: 2008CR16

Sentencing date: Mar 14, 2008
Offense date: Mar 1, 2007
Description: know w/intent to defraud,obtain,possesstransfer,use or attempt w/1or more documents/PIN of another
Crime level: Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 8
County: Ford
Case status II: Inactive
Case number I: 07CR674


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.