Christopher Lynn Quillen

Last Updated: February 7th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
245lbs (111kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1977
Hair: Blond/strawberry
Eyes: Brown
Inmate number: 00005636
Residency: 556 BEECH AV, CRESTVIEW, FL 32536
Related offense: OCSO16OFF009787
Mugshots com: 184689382
Ext id key: 800326651310966474

Known addresses

Florida 32569
Crestview, FL 32536

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 2013004967
Booking date: Aug 22, 2013
Release date: Aug 23, 2013
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Booking number: 2007007041
Booking date: Aug 28, 2007
Release date: Aug 28, 2007
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Booking number: 2005003663
Booking date: May 3, 2005
Release date: May 5, 2005
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Booking number: 2004008222
Booking date: Nov 16, 2004
Release date: Nov 16, 2004
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Booking number: 2001004751
Booking date: Aug 5, 2001
Release date: Aug 17, 2001
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Booking number: 2001001099
Booking date: Feb 20, 2001
Release date: Mar 3, 2001
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Booking number: 2000007426
Booking date: Sep 23, 2000
Release date: Sep 24, 2000
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Arrest number: OCSO16ARR011292
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Arrest number: OCSO16ARR008747
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Arrest number: OCSO20ARR009548
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Recent Charges

Offense date: Aug 22, 2013
Bond amount: $1,000
Arrest date: Aug 22, 2013

Statute: 812.014-3a - PT(2CTS)
Offense date: Aug 22, 2013
Bond amount: $2,000
Arrest date: Aug 22, 2013

Statute: 812.014 - PT
Offense date: Aug 28, 2007
Bond amount: $500

Statute: 948.06 - VOP/DWLSR
Offense date: May 3, 2005
Case number: 05CT58C
Bond amount: $423.67

Offense date: Nov 16, 2004
Bond amount: $1,069.60

Statute: 948.06 - VOP/BATTERY
Offense date: Aug 5, 2001
Case number: 00-2729-MMCA
Bond amount: $290

Statute: 784.03 - BATTERY/ DOMV
Offense date: Feb 20, 2001
Case number: 00-2729MM
Bond amount: $446

Statute: 784.03 - BATTERY DOMV))
Offense date: Sep 23, 2000

Description: 812.014.2c1 (Third Degree Felony) LARCENCY THEFT IS $300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN $5000

Description: 948.06.A (Misc Degree Felony) PROBATION VIOLATION FELONY VOP/VOCC

Description: 316.1935.2 (Third Degree Felony) RESIST OFFICER FLEE ELUDE LEO WITH LIGHTS SIREN ACTIVE

Description: 322.34.2c (Third Degree Felony) MOVING TRAFFIC VIOL DRIVE WHILE LIC SUSP 3RD OR SUBSQ OFF

Description: 843.02. (First Degree Misdemeanor) RESIST OFFICER OBSTRUCT WO VIOLENCE


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.