Date of birth: | Nov 10, 1974 |
Hair: | Red or auburn |
Eyes: | Blue |
Vehicle: | Date of Entry Year Make Model Style Color Color License State Misc 08/06/2007 2005 SUBA GRN OR Forester |
Targets: | Pre-pubescent males |
Supervised by: | LANE COUNTY COMM CORR, 541-682-3040 |
Methods of offending: | Invited neighboring minors into his residence and sexually abused them. |
Conditions restrictions: | No contact with minors. No intoxicants. No contact with victims. Shall not frequent places where minors are known to congregate. |
Mark: | Glasses (prescription) |
Booking location: | Marion County, OR |
Offense name: | SEX ABUSE 1-FEL |
Conviction date: | May 22, 1998 |
Offense name: | CHLD SX DISP-FEL |
Conviction date: | May 22, 1998 |