Date of birth: | 1978 |
Inmate number: | 25319 |
Year of birth: | 1979 |
Booking date: | Apr 12, 2014 |
Release date: | Apr 12, 2014 |
Booking location: | Rhea County, TN |
Booking date: | Apr 21, 2009 |
Release date: | Apr 24, 2009 |
Booking location: | Rhea County, TN |
Type: | 39-14-403 |
Sentence: | 2500.00 ROR PER JUDGE FOR CHRIS HALL |
Felony misd: | Felony |
Charge description: | AGGRAVATED BURGLARY- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |
Type: | 39-14-103B |
Felony misd: | Felony |
Charge description: | THEFT OVER 500.00- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |
Warrant: | 2014-CR-800A |
Type: | 39-14-103A |
Felony misd: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | THEFT UNDER 500.00- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |
Warrant: | 2014-CR-800 |
Type: | 39-14-402 |
Felony misd: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | BURGLARY (VEHICLE)- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |