Date of birth: | Apr 26, 1926 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Green |
Odoc: | 143832 |
Description: | CONV T-BOTH ARMS LEGS |
Booking location: | Oklahoma County, OK |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 2Y 0M 0D |
Start: | Feb 22, 1985 |
Offense: | Forcible Sodomy |
End: | 11/03/1986 |
Crf: | 84-5211 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Feb 12, 1985 |
Term code: | Probation |
Term: | 3Y 0M 0D |
Start: | Feb 12, 1985 |
Offense: | Forcible Sodomy |
End: | 02/11/1990 |
Crf: | 84-5211 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Feb 12, 1985 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 2Y 0M 0D |
Start: | Feb 22, 1985 |
Offense: | Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child |
End: | 11/03/1986 |
Crf: | 84-5211 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Feb 12, 1985 |
Term code: | Probation |
Term: | 3Y 0M 0D |
Start: | Feb 12, 1985 |
Offense: | Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child |
End: | 02/11/1990 |
Crf: | 84-5211 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Feb 12, 1985 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 20Y 0D |
Start: | Oct 29, 1998 |
Offense: | Lewd Molestation |
End: | 06/27/2016 |
Crf: | 97-1146 |
County: | MUSK |
Conviction: | Sep 3, 1998 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 20Y 0M 0D |
Start: | Oct 29, 1998 |
Offense: | Rape First Degree By Instrumentation |
End: | 06/27/2016 |
Crf: | 97-1146 |
County: | MUSK |
Conviction: | Sep 3, 1998 |