Clarence Walter Small Jr

Last Updated: February 20th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 4″ (1.63m)
140lbs (64kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Dec 6, 1995
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Inmate location: SOUTH JAIL BLDG 7 DORM P
Disposition of hold: TRAN
Inmate number: 921074
Category: ADULT
Bond amount: $3,250

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 2016-009794
Booking date: Mar 16, 2016
Booking location: Polk County, FL

Booking number: 2015-021599
Booking date: Aug 21, 2015
Release date: Sep 9, 2015
Booking location: Polk County, FL

Arresting agency: OCSO
Arrest date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking number: 297251
Booking location: Osceola County, FL

Arresting agency: OCSO
Arrest location: DAVENPORT
Booking number: 255402
Booking location: Osceola County, FL

Recent Charges

Statute: DETENTION HOLD Hold for another agency (DETENTION ONLY)
Charge on arrest docket: >HOLD FOR ORANGE CO

Statute: 901.04 Warrant Arrest Other Jurisdiction
Charge on arrest docket: >WAOJ ORANGE CO VOPDV BATTERY

Statute: 810.08(2)(A) Trespass Structure/Conveyance

Statute: 843.02. Resist Officer without Violence
Charge on arrest docket: >ROWOV

Statute: 812.014(3)(A). Petit Theft 1st Offence
Charge on arrest docket: >Petit Theft 1st Offe

Statute: 948.06 Viol of Probation/Community Control-Adult
Charge on arrest docket: >VOP TRESPASS STRUCT/CONV

Statute: 948.06 Viol of Probation/Community Control-Adult
Charge on arrest docket: >VOP PETIT THEFT 1ST OFF

Statute: 948.06 Viol of Probation/Community Control-Adult
Charge on arrest docket: >VOP ROWOV

Surety: 1000.00
Statute: 831.02. Utter False Instrument
Charge on arrest docket: >Utter False Instrument
Bond type: CS

Surety: 1000.00
Statute: 832.05(2) Make/Utter/Issue Wrthls Check-$150 or More
Charge on arrest docket: >Make/Utter/Issue Wrthls Check-$150 o
Bond type: CS

Surety: 1000.00
Statute: 812.014(2)(C)1 Grand Theft - $300 -
Charge on arrest docket: >Grand Theft - $300 -
Bond type: CS

Surety: 5000.00
Statute: 655.0322 Scheme to Defraud Financial Institute
Charge on arrest docket: >Scheme to Defraud Financial Institut
Bond type: CS

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602843
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $1,000

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602849
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602850
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602851
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602852
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602853
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602854
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602855
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE
Offense: 602856
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602857
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602858
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602859
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602860
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602861
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602862
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 901.04 - OUT OF COUNTY (FL) WARRANT
Reference: ORANGE CO
Offense: 602863
Jstat: PAR
Dsp date: Feb 16, 2016
Booking: 297251
Bond amount: $150

Statute: 784.03 - BATTERY; TOUCH OR STRIKE
Offense: 539742
Jstat: PRP
Dsp date: Dec 27, 2013
Booking: 255402
Bond amount: $500


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.