Date of birth: | Jul 1, 1987 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Jacket number: | 0378891 |
Holds for other agencies: | No |
Marital status: | S |
Supervision type: | PROBATION FELONY |
Supervision begin date: | Oct 27, 2010 |
Scheduled termination date: | Oct 26, 2012 |
Inmate status: | ACTIVE |
DC number: | W37475 |
Arresting agency: | 01-PBSO |
Booking number: | 2013022568 |
Booking date: | May 30, 2013 |
Booking location: | Palm Beach County, FL |
Booking number: | 2011008566 |
Booking location: | Manatee County, FL |
Booking location: | Miami-Dade County, FL |
Statute number: | 775.13 |
Seq: | 1 |
Sec chrg: | FRAUD USE OF PERS ID |
Obts number: | 4105029497 |
Hold status: | NO HOLD |
Fel misd: | F |
Date released: | Jun 30, 2011 |
Charge description: | CRIMINAL REGISTRANT FELONY |
Case number: | 0000000000 |
Booking status: | I |
Booking number: | 2011008566 |
Bond status: | REG |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest date: | Jun 30, 2011 |
Arr time: | 1837 |
Statute: | 893.13-3695 |
Bond amount: | $3,000 |