Cleveland Staples Jones

Last Updated: January 20th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
180lbs (82kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 28, 1971
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Jid number: P00027072
Housing unit: H03
SO#: 00133595
Sid: 18148275
Swis id: 787645
Facility: MCDC
Prisoner type: NON SENTENCED
Inmate number: 60299

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 1611165
Booking date: Jul 17, 2016
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1610520
Booking date: Jul 6, 2016
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1604861
Booking date: Mar 29, 2016
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1604078
Booking date: Mar 16, 2016
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1519104
Booking date: Nov 22, 2015
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 1517237
Booking date: Oct 18, 2015
Booking location: Washoe County, NV

Booking number: 2015-00003435
Booking date: Aug 14, 2015
Booking origin: Ukiah Police Department
Release date: Aug 14, 2015
Booking location: Mendocino County, CA

Arresting agency: Tri-Met Police
Booking date: Feb 6, 2015
Booking location: Multnomah County, OR

Booking location: Jackson County, OR

Recent Charges

Court date: Jul 12, 2016
Court: SJC
Charge name: Criminal Contempt
Bond amount: $1,025
Arresting agency case: 160003804

Court: SJC
Charge name: Petit Larceny
Bond amount: $500
Arresting agency case: 150009329

Court: RMC
Charge name: Open Container Of Alc Bev In Pub
Bond amount: $500
Arresting agency case: 160005568

Court: RMC
Charge name: Petit Larceny
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 150025257

Court: RMC
Charge name: Petit Larceny
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 150015999

Court: RMC
Charge name: Open Container Of Alc Bev In Pub
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 160004704

Court: SJC
Charge name: Criminal Contempt
Bond amount: $0
Arresting agency case: 160004704

Lodging date: May 29, 2015
Charge: 0162.195 THEFT 2 / FAIL TO APPEAR 2ND DEG - 1~THEFT II
Bond amount: $3,000
Arresting agency: MFS

Lodging date: May 29, 2015
Charge: OCW / OCW- FTA THEFT 3
Bond amount: $2,500
Arresting agency: MFS

Lodging date: May 29, 2015
Charge: OCW / OCW- FTA THEFT 3
Bond amount: $1,234
Arresting agency: MFS

Lodging date: May 29, 2015
Charge: OCW / OCW- FTA THEFT 2
Bond amount: $1,234
Arresting agency: MFS

Lodging date: May 29, 2015
Bond amount: $1,234
Arresting agency: MFS

Lodging date: May 29, 2015
Charge: 0164.043 THEFT 3 / THEFT 3RD DEG - 1
Bond amount: $3,000
Arresting agency: MFS

Status: Unsentenced
Charge: THEFT OF SERVICES 3 (C Misdemeanor)
Bond amount: $1,000

Status: Unsentenced
Da case no: 2313241
Court case: 15CR04106
Charge: THEFT II (A Misdemeanor)
Bond amount: $1,234

Court: RMC
Charge name: Petit Larceny
Bond amount: $500
Arresting agency case: 160000613

Court: RMC
Charge name: Trespass, Not Amount To Burglary
Bond amount: $500
Arresting agency case: 160000613

Offense date: Aug 13, 2015
Crime class: MISDEMEANOR
Agency: Ukiah Police Department


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.