Date of birth: | Aug 19, 1966 |
Inmate number: | 15545 |
Inmate visit: | 3 |
Inmate status: | Inactive - Released |
Visitation schedule: | THRUSDAY 9:00 - 11:00aa |
Disposition of hold: | BAIL |
Booking number: | 2016-014227 |
Booking date: | Apr 16, 2016 |
Release date: | Apr 17, 2016 |
Booking location: | Polk County, FL |
Booking date: | Oct 3, 2005 |
Jail name: | Allegany County Detention Center |
Location: | 14300 Mcmullen Hwy SW, Cumberland, MD 21502 |
Booking date: | Dec 15, 1995 |
Jail name: | Allegany County Detention Center |
Location: | 14300 Mcmullen Hwy SW, Cumberland, MD 21502 |
Booking date: | May 14, 1995 |
Jail name: | Allegany County Detention Center |
Location: | 14300 Mcmullen Hwy SW, Cumberland, MD 21502 |
Surety: | 1000.00 |
Statute: | 403.413(4). Dump Litter Exceed 500 Lbs/Comm Hazard any |
Charge on arrest docket: | >DUMP LITTER EXCEED 500 LBS/COMM HZD |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond: | B017275 |
Case number: | O147400 |
Description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Case number: | 0O147400 |
Description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Case number: | 0O147400 |