Date of birth: | Apr 1979 |
Booking location: | Delaware |
Warrant: | B006009231 |
Docket: | 0108002314 |
Court: | Newark Aldermans Court 40 |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Fail To Give Full Time / Attn To Operate/Mv Capias Ftp/Must Have Ins Id For Vehicle While In Opera. |
Warrant: | K106015798 |
Docket: | 0111016249 |
Court: | Justice Of The Peace Court 11 |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Shoplifting Under $1000 Remove Goods Wares Or Mer |
Warrant: | B006009233 |
Docket: | 0108002314 |
Court: | Newark Aldermans Court 40 |
Comments: | Capias Fta/Fail To Give Full Time / Attn To Operate/Mv Capias Fta/Must Have Ins Id For Vehicle While In Opera. |
Warrant: | B006009480 |
Docket: | 0108002314 |
Court: | Newark Aldermans Court 40 |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Fail To Give Full Time / Attn To Operate/Mv Capias Ftp/Must Have Ins Id For Vehicle While In Opera. |